“Cheap” Cheese
The French people we encountered were often very particular about all the foodstuffs they purchased. Eavesdropping on their conversations at markets provided details we would never have found in books.
Continue reading →The French people we encountered were often very particular about all the foodstuffs they purchased. Eavesdropping on their conversations at markets provided details we would never have found in books.
Continue reading →One simple joy of speaking the language of the country you are traveling in, is to speak it well enough to be accepted as a “native”. It is a lot of fun to conduct transactions and conversations without getting the … Continue reading →
At the end of a meal, the napkins of my French luncheon companions had not been used to wipe their mouths…how could this be?
Continue reading →Is it just me? When I am in a restaurant for dinner with French friends, I always wonder if I need a hearing aid. For example, when eight of us went to lunch together in Paris (me being the only … Continue reading →
Thanks to excellent stories from friends, I learned superb cost-saving ways to travel in Europe. One of the best tips was to use trains not only to go from, say, Paris to Milan, but also to rely on trains for … Continue reading →