FRANCE – Festival du Beaujolais
Beaujolais Nouveau – released in France on the third Thursday of November. How fortunate for us Americans because it is the perfect wine for Thanksgiving, a fruity accompaniment to turkey dinner.
Continue reading →Beaujolais Nouveau – released in France on the third Thursday of November. How fortunate for us Americans because it is the perfect wine for Thanksgiving, a fruity accompaniment to turkey dinner.
Continue reading →French Roast appears to be a best seller among coffee enthusiasts. It has a strong, robust flavor with a dense, dark look. Said to “wake the dead,” it brings to mind the demi-tasse of espresso served in France morning, day, … Continue reading →
A French boutique owner was pleased to make a living from her business. My American boss thought she was successful only if she was making a profit. Two cultures, two sets of values! Is this an example of capitalism vs. capitalism / socialism?
Continue reading →(The Basement of BHV Department Store) [luh SUE-sole duh Bay-Aash-Vay] My dream-come-true work assignment in Paris came with unexpected “homework.” Totally competent with a full life in the San Francisco Bay Area, transposing my patterns to another culture, however similar, … Continue reading →
Arriving in Paris from the San Francisco Bay Area, home of many Italian espresso bars, we wanted more in the mornings than the café au lait [kah-FAY owe LAY] favored by the French. (Strong filtered coffee with hot, often foamy, … Continue reading →
Denise Acabo, owner of A l’Etoile d’Or in Paris, could be the head priestess of the chocophiles “cult” worldwide.
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