Coffee Roasting with Jesús Bedoya – Salento, Colombia
Jesús Bedoya is a perfectionist as he purchases, sorts, and roasts excelso coffee beans for his tienda, Café Jesús Martín, in Salento, Colombia.
Continue reading →Jesús Bedoya is a perfectionist as he purchases, sorts, and roasts excelso coffee beans for his tienda, Café Jesús Martín, in Salento, Colombia.
Continue reading →In large towns and cities that we visited in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, it was fairly easy to find espresso shops and enjoy delicious espressos, cappuccinos, lattes, and usually mochas. One of the surprises was that one could order a … Continue reading →
French Roast appears to be a best seller among coffee enthusiasts. It has a strong, robust flavor with a dense, dark look. Said to “wake the dead,” it brings to mind the demi-tasse of espresso served in France morning, day, … Continue reading →
Bitter coffee may be attributable to picking coffee cherries before they are ripe. There are other reasons, as well, but a Colombian coffee roaster believes it starts with unripened beans.
Continue reading →Coffee cultivation is demanding, with best practices passed along from generation to generation in Colombia. The department of Quindío, the smallest of Colombia, is perfectly situated for coffee growing. With the ideal altitude, soil, climate, and a location close to … Continue reading →