Gato Negro, Cafe, Cartagena
Gato Negro, a breakfast and lunch cafe, serves a cuisine that will appeal to European and North American travelers. Crepes in Colombia!
Continue reading →Gato Negro, a breakfast and lunch cafe, serves a cuisine that will appeal to European and North American travelers. Crepes in Colombia!
Continue reading →(The Basement of BHV Department Store) [luh SUE-sole duh Bay-Aash-Vay] My dream-come-true work assignment in Paris came with unexpected “homework.” Totally competent with a full life in the San Francisco Bay Area, transposing my patterns to another culture, however similar, … Continue reading →
Arriving in Paris from the San Francisco Bay Area, home of many Italian espresso bars, we wanted more in the mornings than the café au lait [kah-FAY owe LAY] favored by the French. (Strong filtered coffee with hot, often foamy, … Continue reading →
Denise Acabo, owner of A l’Etoile d’Or in Paris, could be the head priestess of the chocophiles “cult” worldwide.
Continue reading →The French people we encountered were often very particular about all the foodstuffs they purchased. Eavesdropping on their conversations at markets provided details we would never have found in books.
Continue reading →One simple joy of speaking the language of the country you are traveling in, is to speak it well enough to be accepted as a “native”. It is a lot of fun to conduct transactions and conversations without getting the … Continue reading →